zondag 26 juni 2011

Zero Hour Bomber

Here it is. My first papercraft. I thought I was going to upload it next week but I finished it today.

Download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=46HC8L1K

This (stealth)Bomber appeared in the Zero Hour game. It drops a bomb and destroys the GLA base.

Tell me when the link is broken. Mail your pictures at ccpapercrafts@hotmail.nl

Have fun building:D

First Papercraft Coming Next Week

Hi everybody,

I just made this blog because I want to share my Command And Conquer Papercrafts. Currently I'm working on papercrafts from Generals and Zero Hour. I even though need some testbuilders to make my papercrafts before I post them on the site. I hope you guys are going to like these models.

I think the first papercraft is coming out next week.

Any requests? Mail to: ccpapercrafts@hotmail.nl or add to MSN
